手机:13905266196 13905264589
E-mail:js139589@163.com jm139589@163.com
人气:16575 发布时间:2021-09-23
In order to meet the navigation safety requirements of global ships and oceans, we can make horizontal or vertical or drop cabin type according to your application and requirements. The windlass and transmission gear, clutch and brake drum belt required by super strength working load shall have corrosion resistance. Electric or hydraulic drives and auxiliary drums are available.
According to the innovation pace of unmanned intelligent ship, the windlass has long-range over the horizon remote control, solid design, heavy split bronze bearing and large brake. The operating mechanism of the brake and clutch is designed for convenient and safe manual operation, but it can also be operated remotely through the emergency release hydraulic cylinder.
1 概述General
This agreement is written in both Chinese and English language.
1.2设备及材料应符合合同签订时 船级社的最新规范要求。
Equipment and material shall be in accordance with the lasted standard of
classification society regulation at the time when the contract is executed.
This agreement shall become effective on the date when the contact has been duly executed.
The manufacturer shall guarantee that the equipment supplied to the BUYER shall conform to the working drawings. In case any modification is necessary during the process of manufacturing, the manufacturer shall immediately contact and obtain consent from the BUYER and send the BUYER the marking of modifications and the explanations.
The manufacturer shall warrant the equipment for a period of 12 months after delivery to the shipowner.
2 设备状况 Equipment
2.1型号Type: Φ电动液压起锚机Hydraulic Windlass
2.2数量Qty : sets
2.3环境温度Environment temperature: -10℃~45℃
2.4技术要求Technical specifications
1) 锚机参数Specification
卷筒负载 Rated Pull 30 kN
卷筒速度 Nominal Speed 15 m/min
锚链直径 Rope Dia. Φ28 mm
2) 液压马达 Hydraulic Motor
型号Type: XHSC4-4000B
2.6备件要求Spare parts:
符合制造厂标准及 CCS 船级社要求。
Comply with Manufactory standard and classification society requirement.